Fueling Brighter Tomorrows


As Aruba’s first locally produced Malta, we are proud to partner with Ban Uni Man pa Cria Nos Muchanan. Malta is a beloved staple in the Aruban community, evoking treasured memories from childhood that carry on into our adult years. Malta has been our refreshing companion with friends on the playground or enjoyed alongside our favorite breakfast treat with family.

We believe in the vision of Ban Uni Man pa Cria Nos Muchanan to provide all children in need with breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Children who start their day with breakfast have more energy and focus to excel throughout the day, which is crucial to a productive learning experience. Your purchase of a Malta Balashi will help this worthy organization reach more children in need, ensuring that the young ones in our community start their day off on the right foot.


Join Us in Making a Direct Impact

Malta Balashi is committing to donate towards providing breakfasts to over 800 children in need in Aruba.  Join us—no donation is too small—in making sure all children in Aruba have a foundation to a bright future. Learn more about Ban Uni Man pa Cria Nos Muchanan

How to donate
Direct donation to Ban Uni Man pa Cria Nos Muchanan can be made to the following bank account:

Aruba Bank 2516290190
CMB 22589501

Target: $0.00
0 % Pledged So Far

From Hunger to Happiness

Joining Hands to Feed Every Child

Harvesting Hope

Feeding Children, Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Join the Movement

Feed the Future: Unite for a Hunger-Free Tomorrow